Gods call comes in many shapes and forms. The traditional call from God has been questioned in modern day society. Individuals are skeptical and are less likely to hear Gods call. For those who listen, Gods call can be heard.
There are 6 parts to the call story:
1) Confrontation with God
Each call begins with an encounter with God. Each encounter can be different. For example: Moses saw God as a burning bush, Isaiah saw God in a temple, Ezekial had a vision of teh Chariot of God, St. Joan of Arc heard Gods voice.
2) Introductory Speech
God is always the first to speak.
3) Imparting of a mission
God always calls us to fulfill a mission.
4) Objection by the prophet to be
The recipient hestitates to accept the mission.
5) Reassurance by God
God comforts the prophet and reassures them.
6) The sign
The sign that the prophet receives may not always be clear.
“All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired, although not in the hour or in the measure, or the very thing which they ask. Yet they will obtain something greater and more glorious than they had dared to ask.”
Martin Luther
Some wish to hear the word of God, others wish to receive it.