Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ch 3: Conscience: The self in search of the good

The chapter will continue our exploration of a Catholic ethical and moral theory from a philosophical perspective. Chapter 2 explored the conditions of human action while chapter 3 will take us one step further. We will explore how we become moral agents. One critical component for this chapter will be the exploration of conscience. In addition, we will explore six aspects of the human person that are important to ethics. The six aspects are:

1) The importance of others.
2) The importance of having a direction in life.
3) The importance of communication and language.
4) The importance of character and one's body.
5) The importance of conscience
6) The importance of the development of one's conscience.

These six aspects of our lives make us moral agents.

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

“There is a higher court than courts of justice and that is the court of conscience. It supercedes all other courts.”


Anonymous said...

" I want freedom for the full expression of my personality" - Mahatma Gandhi

This quote by Gandhi expresses all of the six aspects of the human person that are important to ethics. 1) by being fully able to express yourself you can recognize the importance of others around you. 2) freedom would be the results of the direction you choose to take in life, if a person chooses to follow a good path throughout their lives eventually they will find freedom within themselves. 3) by expressing your freedom is probably the most important way to communicate with others so that everyone can follow by example and start exercising their freedom as well. 4) your character is what makes your personality and freedom helps you to express you character through your actions. 5) conscience is what moves us towards our actions, having a good conscience is the most evident expression of our characters and the freedom by which we gain in life. 6) developing your conscience is fundamental to finding yourself as a person, using that new found conscience helps us to develop ourselves and our characters in order to achieve the ultimate freedom within us.

brittaney said...

The importance of having a direction in life is very importance to me. It is extremely easy to get side swept and fall off track. Little things add up and you put it off, and put it off then it will eventually become a major problem. I have goals and priorities in my life and you need to be very careful by who you surround yourself with because ultimately they can bring you down.

ChristianT said...

I think that the importance of becoming a moral agent is good to know. it will help you to live a happier, more filfilling life if you have faith in an afterlife. also, I think that the 6 aspects are important to know as well. It helps us to understand what it means to be an ethical person.

LeStephane said...
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LeStephane said...

The only way for anyone to truly know who they are is to test themselves. The hardest thing to accept as a youth is that the world we know is limited. But when you open yourself to a broader understanding of that world in services to others, you understand who you are. If you’re doing something in service to yourself, you learn nothing, you gain no perspective, and the world is still as you know it. Opening yourself to the world of others provides a vital experience one that everyone quintessentially requires to become a contributing member of society. “We are Called”, to serve, and only when we accept that call with honor and integrity, can we truly understand self good. I doubt if we prayed for self good God would just inject us with self good, but by praying for self good, god will strike us down with tribulations to test ourselves, and the hardest concept for western civilians is that there is more then the self. Real leaders understand that is not about leading as much as it is about serving. That’s what made Gandhi one of the greatest leaders in history, he found self good by losing himself in the service of others.

toto cotugno said...

I think that the importance of becoming a moral agent is good to know.

Michael Teh Matys(Noobinator) said...

Good is defined by who you are, so it doesnt necessarily mean we all are searching for the same end just self fullfillment through what we believe to be good.