With the story of Moses we rediscover the covenant that was started with Adam, Abraham, Noah and other prophets. Moses rediscovers this new covenant by being open and willing to receive God's call. God's covenant reaffirms His commitment to love and protect us.
The five parts of the covenant are
1) The Preamble
The preamble can be viewed as the the first meeting between two individuals.
For example: if someone wants to sell there house they have to provide proof that they own the home. The homeowner has to have a Title to validate the sale of the home. The buyer has to be pre-approved by the bank to finance the home. The preamble validates the interaction between the two parties. It is the initial step that legally binds the individuals.
2) The Historical Prologue
The Historical Prologue describes the previous arrangements and agreements.
For example: if you are buying a house then a title search must conducted which will validate the sale of the house. You have to look at the history of the house and the land to ensure that previous contract where adhered to.
3) The Submission
The submission refers to our loyalty and devotion to each other. For example: In a marriage situation, both parties agree to be faithful to each other. "To love and to hold. Through sickness and health till death do us part"
4) The Witnesses
The witnesses refers to the individuals that are present.
For example: In a marriage, the witnesses include all those who gather at church to witness the union of two people.
5) The Blessings and Curses
Being faithful to the covenant comes with rewards.
Breaking the covenant will result in punishment.
For example: If you have purchased a home and you require a loan to help pay for the house, then you sign a contract agreeing top pay the loan back to the bank. With this agreement comes responsibilities. If you pay your payments, the house will belong to you (Blessing) If you miss your payments you can potential loose your home (Curse)
“And God said, This is the token of the covenant which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations"
Here's something to think about: When you talk to God, it's called prayer, but when he talks to you its called schizophrenia.
I read that somewhere and thought it was an interesting concept. I think in today's scoiety, with views like that, it makes it more difficult to recognize the structure of a covenant and makes the whole thing a hard concept to grasp.
I think that if you disobey your covanent with God, you deserve to be punished in some way. I believe that God is quite fair with everyone and gives everyone a chance to be a good person. Those who choose to disregard God, are more likely to lead a not-so-good life. That is in my opinion of course.
I think even god should only be able to forgive people so many times, its one thing to break a deal, but a covenant is a really major thing.
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