Monday, October 20, 2008

Ch 3: The Importance of having a direction in life

The second aspect of the human person that is important to ethics is the direction one has in life.Without a sense of direction we are lost. Without a sense of commitment, we wander aimless at the mercy of whatever is able to attract our interest. Most of the time we act on basic instinct and not on an educated, informed decision.
The commitments you make define your reality. They become the driving force behind your actions. Your identity will be demonstrated through your actions!! In the end, there is a direct link between your moral direction (stance in life) and your identity.

“Committing yourself is a way of finding out who you are. A man finds his identity by identifying. A man's identity is not best thought of as the way in which he is separated from his fellows but the way in which he is united with them.”
Robert Terwilliger
"The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself."

Undoubtedly, we become what we envisage."
"Claude M. Bristol

"The ancient human question 'Who am I?' leads inevitably to the equally important question 'Whose am I?' — for there is no self outside of relationship."
Parker Palmer


toto cotugno said...

The importance of having a direction in life is very important. Back in grade 9 I had no idea what I wanted to do in the future but now that I'm in grade 12I know what I want to do with my future.

ChristianT said...

I think that finding a direction in life is the most important thing in your life. Without knowing where to go, you cannot get anywhere at all. Back in grade 9 I had no idea what to make of my life. Now, however, since I am older and more mature, I know what I want and need to do.

LeStephane said...

"The most difficult thing in life is to know yourself."
The concept of the Matrix as an illusion or a 'construct' that humans are unaware of resembles the idea of Samsara in Buddhism and Hinduism. Samsara teaches that the world we consider 'real' is actually a projection of our own desires. From Morpheus Neo learns that how he'd perceived himself in the Matrix was simply a "the mental projection of your digital self." The "real" sensory world "is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain." "How to Know Thyself" is about being aware of the human condition which one is currently navigating as opposed to being about one's personal identity which is based more on personal preferences and personal decisions rather than a predetermined basic nature? Does every human being know how to be completely honest with himself or herself about his or her actual nature? I can only speak for me, and I do know how to do this, but I have personally encountered persons who outwardly deny things which they may or may not inwardly acknowledge the truth of. They are pitiful, I say that respectfully.

jon e said...

now that im in grade 12 i know what i want to do in life but before i had no clue

Michael Teh Matys(Noobinator) said...

some people are better off without direction in life I find, they have more of a sense of going with the flow and having adventure. Knowing whats going to happen through your plans can ruin the fun that is life my friends.